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Fine Arts Chamber Players (FACP) /Basically Beethoven is a 501(c)3 organization based in Dallas, Texas, supported entirely by the generosity of the community and state and government grants.


Free Chamber Music Concerts and in-school Music Residencies

In 2024-2025, Basically Beethoven is offering:

  • Basically Beethoven Hallam Concerts - 7 FREE concerts Saturday afternoons at 3, monthly October - May, excluding December at Central Commons.

  • Basically Beethoven Festival - 3 FREE concerts, Sunday afternoons at 2:30 in July at Moody Performance Hall.

  • Basically Beethoven Music Education in Dallas-area schools - FREE voice, piano, and violin lessons during the school year in area schools without robust music programs.

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To enrich and enhance the quality of life for North Texas-area residents, especially families and children, through free concerts of classical music and educational activities


Fine Arts Chamber Players (FACP), now known as Basically Beethoven, was founded in 1981 by Rogene Russell and Charles Price, in collaboration with the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts at Fair Park. The FREE Basically Beethoven Festival began that year and quickly became known as Dallas’ premier summer chamber music festival. In 1984, the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts moved to its new home in the downtown Dallas Arts District and was renamed the Dallas Museum of Art. There, in the DMA’s Horchow Auditorium, FACP began the Bancroft Family Concerts. Starting with the 2019-2020 season, the series was called Hallam Family Concerts. With the name change to Basically Beethoven, the winter series is called the Basically Beethoven Hallam Concerts. The concerts remain free for all and the artistic vision remains unaltered.


In 1989, FACP created an educational outreach program called Dream Collectors, a performing troupe of musicians and actors who integrate subjects such as dyslexia, character education, math and science into an interactive performance for children. Due to their overwhelming success and multiple requests by public school educators, FACP developed additional educational outreach programs such as Music A to Z, Masterclasses, and Music Residencies, which provide long- and short-term professional music instruction for children in piano, violin, and voice. The Basically Beethoven Music Residencies remain. All educational outreach programs are taught by professional teaching artists, are TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) compliant with State of Texas education mandates, and are offered completely FREE of charge to students and schools.


To date, FACP / Basically Beethoven has served more than 250,000 children with education programs and performed quality classical music for more than 564,000 North Texas citizens – all completely free of charge.


FACP educational and organizational honors include:

  • Virginia Nick Arts in Education Award (TACA)

  • Arts and Education Award (Dallas Business Committee for the Arts)

  • Cultural Achievement Award (Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce)

  • Arts Award for Exemplary Arts Education (Texas Commission on the Arts)

  • Financial Excellence in Arts Award (City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs)

  • Grace Note Award in 2009 and 2017 (Irving Philharmonic)

  • Agency of the Year Award (ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program)

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