Flagship concert series renamed for new sponsors Fanchon & Howard Hallam

Hallam Family Concerts: monthly, FREE chamber music concert series on Saturday afternoons, October – May (excluding December); performed in the Horchow Auditorium at the Dallas Museum of Art; 3 p.m.; newly appointed Artistic Director Emily Levin (pronounced luh-VEEN)
Basically Beethoven Festival: FACP’s inaugural program; FREE chamber music concerts on Sunday afternoons in July at Moody Performance Hall; 2:30 p.m.; Dr. Alex McDonald is the Basically Beethoven Festival Director
FREE education programs including Musical Residencies at three Dallas ISD high schools and at an east Dallas charter school; FACP Teaching Artists lead individual and small group lessons in voice, piano, and violin to students with financial need; instruction and instruments provided at no cost to students and schools